Excessive Storm Water
Expensive Potable Water
Rain Wise “Big Roof” Solutions
Public Private Sector
Product Water LLC’s “Big Roof” project, at 6721 51st Ave South, Seattle, manages 155,000 gallons of rain water annually. At the Minyan Ohr Chadash Synagogue. Rain water from 6,677 sq ft of Roof Area is redirected into 6 rain tanks, with 2,620 gallon capacity. In heavy rains, (winter) storm waters flow through the rain tanks when flow rate is reduced before entering the combined municipal sewer system. During dryer months, the water is stored and used for outdoor watering needs.
Combined cooperation between (public) SPU’s Rain Wise rebate program and (private) Product Water LLC brings our project to life.
Rain Wise’s inspectors conducted Pre and Post inspections. Ensuring the project reflects plans and meets guidelines. Product Water designed and built the project.
Best Management Practice
Side sewer locations determine rain tank placement. The shortest distance between tank outlets and side sewer connections is best. Rain water flows out through a 3’’ pipe, when full and a 1.5’’ pipe, reduced to a ¾’’reducer. Flow rate reduction to the combined sewer system occurs in the reducer.
Rain tank size and capacity is determined by how footprint can fit, close to the side sewer.
Rain Wise inspectors, together, with the contractor and building representatives, decide what works and looks best.
Reducing Water Demand During Peak Periods & Restrictions
In rainy months (Nov-March) the flow rate of 102,158 gallons is reduced before entering the combined sewer system. 53,160 gallons is made available for conservation and reuse.
Our system features powered irrigation for water management, saving the facility over $ 1,000 annually on water cost. In three years of operation, we have not run dry, due to large storage capacity.
Additional Benefit
During installation, several hidden issues were discovered and repaired. Product Water advises a full sewer scope before starting any project. The scope discovered a soda can blocking one section of side sewer, as well as blocked downspouts filled with dirt. Removing these unknown obstructions improves building health.
Rain water previously redirected a parking lot’s impervious surface, is now redirected into the system, further adding positive benefit.
Rain Wise
Rain Wise is a brilliant, efficient program. Scores of additional buildings in Seattle can benefit by installing systems. Simple fundamental understanding of low pressure water flow and skilled installation technique is all that’s required for successful project installation.
Product Water LLC
For over a decade, reinventing rain harvesting techniques and developing products, Product Water LLC are leading experts in this emerging market. More than enough water flowers on an average roof, annually, for satisfying outdoor water needs. Advising projects, small and large is our passion. www.productwater.com 206-450-0231
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