Topic: Well tended garden plot, 150 feet from the nearest water needs a better solution.
Running a traditional hose from the building to the garden wont work–inefficient and expensive

Remote Garden Plot Needs Water
CHALLENGE Distance: The distance between the water supply and the garden makes it hard to use traditional watering or rain collection methods. City water is accessible from the building, but it’s far and costly, exceeding $500 a year.
Opportunity) To start we have 42,000 gallons a year (1800 sq ft roof/36” rain.) One downspout, on the garden side.
Solution– Vertical redirection. The key to our water supply system lies in the strategic creation of horizental flow. Utilizing a downspout diverter as the crucial turning point. Rainwater flows down the roof and enters the downspout, moving vertically as in a traditional system. Than the downspout diverter intercepts this vertical flow, instead of allowing water to continue downward, it redirects the flow horizontally, creating a new, controlled direction tward the tanks, not straight down. this redirection system transforms the simple act of rainwater collection into an efficient, flexible, and sustainable water management solution. By harnessing the initial momentum provided by the downspout diverter, we create a powerful yet passive system for moving water to where it’s most valuable.The chal
Benefits and Satisfactions: Water Security, establishing a reliable supplemental water source for present and future use and needs. Reducing reliance on utility water. Versatility, collected water is used for many purposes. Flexibility in Tank Placement:
Utilization of Gravity: The system can take advantage of natural slopes for water movement.
Minimal Energy Use: No pumps required if the system is well-designed with proper elevation changes.
Scalability: The system can be easily expanded or modified to accommodate changing needs.
Automatic overflow handling: Once the connected storage tanks reach full capacity, the diverter automatically redirects excess water back down the existing downspo