Project Planning Starts Now

“thanks for the very informative rainwater harvesting class at Huckleberry Garden this morning. Larry J.”
Jack Guthrie, CEO of Product Water, walks us through the basics of collecting and storing rainwater for irrigating your garden. Understanding how you can save enough water and pump it anywhere in your garden to make a year around sustainable and independent system. Our a free class answered your burning questions and come taught how to set up a water harvesting system with expert instruction.
“Really great. add me to your mailing list.”
25 attendees begin planning rain harvesting projects @ #huckelbberrygardens
Rain Harvesting class covered topics, including finding funding options, learning individual properties StormScore (includes how much water falls roofs annually. Start planning by looking at your roof, than deciding where to store water. How 1,000 gallon capacity rain water storage is a good start, managing overflow, eliminating misquotes and lots of other valuable information, for beginning a project.
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